
Complex corporate structures and legal systems can make legal family matters and your rights difficult to comprehend. This can be heightened during a sensitive or distressing time. Equally, the management of personal wealth and assets require protection and excellent risk management. We offer optimal dedication to assist you with any inquiry relating to family law or personal asset management


Our client-centred and sensitive approach means we work receptively with you, enabling you to make clear-headed decisions not just for now, but for the future. Our team will gage a deep level of understanding of your personal circumstances, and assist you with whichever legal processes you require.

We are specialised in litigation of divorce and matrimonial disputes including settlements and property, child custody and visitation rights, maintenance applications in relation to spouses and under-age children, cases of child abduction, and the application and enforcement of The Hague Convention.

We can also assist with the unlocking of hidden assets, trust agreements, and circumstances of operations within multiple jurisdictions. Estate and retirement planning, and tax and inheritance planning for families of multi-national backgrounds can be complex, and we can also unpick the legal difficulties of these individual cases. No matter how unclear circumstances may seem from the inside, we have the understanding and experience to support clear decision making, and ensure you make the best choices for you and your family.

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